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5 Obstacles All Internet Marketers Must Overcome (Part 1)

No marketer has an overnight success. Even the most successful Internet marketers have faced their fair share of troubles. What separates them from failed marketers, however, is that they realize their errors and did what they needed to do in order to succeed. A budding Internet marketer need to identify possible obstacles that will get your way before you can deal with them. Here are some of the more common ones that anyone might face when starting out:

1. Fear of failure, Fear is the single biggest obstacle that many budding marketers need to overcome.
This fear can be caused by a variety of reasons, from fearing a waste of time and money to fearing what other people have to say about you. Fear can even sneak its way into your mind even when you have established yourself as a pretty successful marketer, especially when something unexpected happens.
Just remember one thing: everybody fails at one point or another. You just have to pick up the pieces, learn from your mistakes and soldier on as best you can. The only time you truly fail as an Internet marketer is when you throw your hands in the air and give it all up. And besides, it’s not as if somebody is going to put a bullet in your head if you mess up somewhere!

2. Information overload

Another pretty common obstacle that budding Internet marketers need to face is being bombarded with too much information. The large number of books, courses and gurus out there can provide a lot of information,from books on marketing psychology to webinars on the finer points of search engine optimization. All this information is useful, yes, but you do have to take things one step at a time. Trying to learn them all at once will only overload you with information that you have no idea how to use and bog you down in studying instead of marketing. It is for this reason that you have to start out with books free from technical jargon and simple to understand. Once you understand and master the basics,you will slowly begin to look for more advanced concepts to work with. Remember to start out slow, apply what you learn and then find out what you need to learn. This will make it so that you won’t be overloaded on the information available to you.

3. Over emphasis on sales

Another very common problem with first time Internet marketers is pushing too hard to sell a product. It’s not a bad thing to try and convince someone to shell out money for whatever you have. It is, however, a bad thing if the only thing you push people too hard. How would you feel if you entered a website and all it had were these loud, obnoxious “BUY NOW” signs all over it?  It is precisely this reason that you must first connect with potential customers before trying to make a sale. How do you connect with potential customers? Find out their wants and needs. Let them know that you know what they want and need. Show them how you can meet their wants and needs with your product. Once you do this, THEN you convince them to buy your products.

4. Inability to build a lead list

Internet marketing relies heavily on finding people to sell your product to, and this is most commonly
done by building a lead list of your own. Many marketers think that they can get away with ‘buying’ leads from third parties. This can be effective but very costly if you do not know what you are looking for in the first place. You could end up with a list of leads that have absolutely no interest in what you are selling, wasting time and money marketing to the wrong audience in the process. It is for this reason that you have to learn how to build a lead list from the ground up. You will become much more familiar with your potential customers, and you will understand them better as a result. Such a well-­-tailored list will allow you to focus all your efforts in appealing to an audience that is more than willing to consider the products and services you have to offer.

5. Inability to utilize a list

Just because you built a lead list does not mean that your problems are solved. A lead list is a simple list of people who are willing to consider what you have to offer. This does not mean that they are willing to part with their money just yet,and it is very easy to muck things up if you are not able to appeal to your potential customers strongly enough. This is where the marketing tactics you will inevitably learn come in. An attractive newsletter, a comprehensive sales letter, an amazing landing page, an assuring guarantee and a convincing product will all come together to turn a lead into a paying customer exactly what you have been looking for from the very start.

Have a nice day.

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