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13 Ideas To Rapidly Multiply Twitter Followers (Continued)

1. Add Yourself to Twitter Directories
There are directories like Twiends,, unfollowspy, Manageflitter, Crowdfireapp and others where you can add your Twitter profile and get more followers.
Twiends is a very helpful Twitter directory, with very large details of most twitter accounts on their walls.
 There are dozens of directories of Twitter users online, including Twiends, appunfollowers, unfollowspy, crowdfireapp, Circleboom and more.
Add yourself to as many directories as you can find under the proper categories, and you will begin to see some users following you from these sites.When someone follows you through one of these directories you will receive a notification email from Twitter, if you have these turned on.  
In these notifications you can see which directory they followed you through. If you’re using a Twitter Marketing software, you’ll want to turn these notifications off because it gets annoying with a few hundred daily emails from Twitter.

2. Write Articles and Place your Twitter Name in the Signature Box
Write articles on your topic of interest and place your Twitter name in the resource box.

Submit these articles to places like and

3. Install a Twitter Widget into Your Website
 Did you know that you can add a Twitter widget on LinkedIn Premium that will display your recent tweets?
There are many places online that will allow you to display a list of your latest tweets, and these widgets are a great source of new followers! 
You can get an official custom Twitter widget that works on any site where you can add custom code! You can also try publitweet widgets to embed Twitter stream into blogs, since they are powerful and import not only tweets, but also a preview of the content that was shared if a link was tweeted. 

4. Link it Up
The more links you have to your twitter profile the more ways there are for people to follow you!
This means online and offline, put a link to your Twitter profile everywhere you can. 
 Link to Twitter from Facebook, from your blog, from your guest posts, from your videos, in your email signature, and anywhere else you can think of. Usually if you just put an “@” sign in front of your username people will understand that you are listing your Twitter name.

5. Write a Guest Post
Even if you don’t have a blog of your own, you can easily gain notoriety and followers by writing posts for other blogs.
Running a blog is hard work, and most people and companies welcome well written posts to give them a break. 
If you do score an opportunity to guest post, link to your blog if you like, but be sure to link to your Twitter account as well. If you are interested in writing a post for this blog contact us and let us know your idea for a post!

6. Do Podcasts
Podcasting is a great way to get attention, it showcases your expertise, and helps build an audience.

Creating your own podcast is simple. 
All you have to do is download a program such as Audacity (or, if you’re on a Mac, GarageBand works well.) Record your audio, edit out long pauses or background noise, and make sure to mention that people should follow you on Twitter!

7. Do customer support through Twitter
Now, we’re not suggesting you throw away your help desk, but add Twitter as a support channel.

You may find that users are already tweeting questions at you. Most good help desk software already offers Twitter integration. 
Some people like posting support questions via Twitter, as they feel the public nature of it will lead to a faster response. Some prefer using private channels and may not use Twitter, but adding it will win you some new followers providing you offer good timely support through it.

8. Integrate Twitter with Your Videos
People love to watch videos.
Creating video tutorials for your area of expertise is a great way to get exposure for yourself, and your Twitter presence. 
Place your Twitter username in various places in the video, and you can even use a watermark or video annotation so that your twitter username is constantly visible. If you have a YouTube channel make sure to include a link to your twitter profile on your channel page.Offline Strategies for Getting More Twitter Followers

9. Put Your Twitter Name on Your Business Card 
Twitter promotion does not have to be limited to the online world.  Include your Twitter name right on your business card you will be able to get several new followers.
Don’t have your Twitter username on your business cards yet?  You’re in luck Vista Print is currently giving away 250 business cards for free.

10. Give Away  Free eBooks

Few things say “I’m an expert” like being an author.

While print titles still have more clout with traditional audiences, eBooks like those for Kindle and other e-readers are gaining popularity.
If you’re looking to establish yourself as an expert, traditional publishing houses may get you the most notoriety, but self-publishing with a good public relations agent can get you similar results today.
Being sure to include your social media links – including Twitter – is a great way to allow readers to connect with your expertise after reading your book.

Start by offering your Twitter ID on the inside front cover, where many bookstore shoppers will look for your bio; then include your information on the back cover, in the introduction, and throughout the book. If you are willing to think outside of the box, you can even include your Twitter ID in the footer of every page.
Even if they don’t follow you immediately after reading the book, they will subconsciously recognize your account in the future and be more willing to follow you if they come across your name again.
Several prominent social media celebrities even use Twitter to launch subsequent titles, so don’t overlook the possibilities here.
The opportunities are endless!

11. Buy Twitter Followers
The fastest way to get new followers is by buying them.
But I really DONT recommend this Professionally. Building it gradually is the best.

12. Participate in #FollowFriday
Throughout the week keep track of the people who retweet and make a positive impression on you and reward them with a #FollowFriday recommendation.
More often than not people you recommend for #FollowFriday will return the favor.

13. Host a Tweetup
Most of the time, offline strategies involve people finding you offline and connecting with you online afterwards. Tweetups allow you the opportunity to connect with Twitter users in person, even if you have never met before.  
Because the group of Twitter users that meet is often diverse you will likely gain at least a few new followers from a tweetup. You can start a tweetup simply by asking around your circle of twitter followers.  
Offer to host the event at a coffee shop, restaurant, or even your office.
Create a dedicated web page or blog post for the event, a hashtag (for example, #mytweetup) so that users can follow the event, and encourage tweeters to share with their friends and followers as well.
You can gain large amounts of exposure from something this simple!

Read More Ideas To Multiply Twitter Followers Here.