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8 Steps To Picking Yourself Up And Starting A New Career

Fed Up, Bored, Or Stuck In A Rut?

Are you fed up, tired, or bored with your current job or career?

Do you hate having to get up each morning to go to a job or career that you really don't like?

You know there must be something better out there but can't seem to take the action necessary to make any changes.

Instead, it's easy to keep the same old boring routine and just get used to it, as the months and years roll on by.

Did you know that we only have so much time in our working careers and shouldn't waste them being miserable each day with our job or career? Isn't life far too short to be unfulfilled year after year?

Hopefully, you're not stuck in a rut and can't get out of it. If so, there is definitely hope for you as you learn and follow a few steps.

For any changes to take place it's essential to take action every day in every way that you can.

One thing that holds many back is that they don't want to be out of their comfort zones but probably need to be if there's a career change taking place.

Here are 8 steps for you about starting that new career or job and breaking out of that rut:

1. Attitude is very important. Mental preparation to change is needed to be committed to starting that new and best situation for you.

See yourself as a valuable asset to anybody or company and worthy of consideration for whatever you're seeking after.

Also, understand that changing careers will take some time. There is probably a learning curve that can take a few weeks or 6 months, or longer.

Mentally preparing and starting out with a goal in focus, a plan, and a take action attitude are critical for success.

Feel confident and good about yourself and do things like helping others, perhaps volunteering, that make you feel good.

Upgrading your "style" in dress, vehicle, or another way can make someone feel good about themselves. Now that you're looking and feeling good you're ready for:

2. Re-evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. There are also many free Career Aptitude Tests online that anyone can take to help them decide on their best career choice.

Take your time here and sleep on it. Then you're ready for the next step:

3. Education - If you're drastically changing careers then there would be a need to learn new things, take a class, get certified, or licensed.

This will take some time but be well worth it. This training will look great on your resume as you move into your new career job. If you're using a resume, remake and update it or better yet have it professionally written up for you.

The resume is a tool to represent the person and open up doors of opportunity for them. Make sure that it draws a nice picture of your work history and qualifications.

Most people will stretch the truth, or exaggerate a bit so that their resume will make them look as favorably and qualified as possible. A word of caution, don't lie as it's wrong and you certainly wouldn't want to be caught in a lie.

4. Start Networking online on social media like LinkedIn and Facebook. Update your profiles to reflect your purpose and attract what it is that you're looking for. Ask family and friends that you know and respect their suggestions or advice, however always consider the advice and make your own decisions after sleeping on them.

5. Personal Grooming - Next step is to get yourself ready for action, consider how you look and dress, are there some positive changes that can be made to help the cause, like a haircut, hairdo, shave, grow a beard, etc.

How about clothing, can your wardrobe be updated to improve your image? Throw out or give away some old clothing and replace with some new shoes, pants, dresses or shirts and whatever else will give a polished and professional look.

6. Confidence, persistence, and patience need to be exercised daily as you enter and find your way into the new career choice.

Always have a positive vibration and an attitude of expecting something good to occur, which puts the law of attraction into action.

Remember that you are a valuable commodity and a great benefit to everyone that does business with or hires you.

Act as if and walk the walk of the new and improved you with a new purpose in mind, forgetting any past failures and reach forward to the things which are ahead as you build a new career and attract success through your persistence, patience, and daily efforts.

7. Always have a list of things to do and keep an eye on that list, crossing off things as they are accomplished.

This is very important and will get you into the habit of completing tasks and moving forward toward whatever goal(s) that you've set up for yourself.

8. Always have a goal written down and in mind, and be constantly and methodically moving toward it.

Take a look at exactly where you are and exactly what the goal is and continually move toward that goal persistently and don't stop until your goals are met.

It's normal to alter the plan a little as you go but keep focused on the desired end result and the day's tasks to meet that goal. You can meet every goal one by one and build up a very successful career for yourself.

Multiple Sources Of Income

Most, if not all, internet business entrepreneurs have multiple websites attracting multiple sources of income.

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Everything To Do With Data Is Data Science

The most important part is Data Science's application, all kinds of applications. Yes, you read it right, all kinds of applications, for example machine learning.

The Data Revolution
Around year 2010, with an abundance of data, it made it possible to train machines with a data driven approach rather than a knowledge driven approach. All the theoretical papers about recurring Neural Networks supporting vector machines became feasible.

Something that can change the way we lived, how we experience things in the world. Deep learning is no longer an academic concept that lies in a thesis paper.

It became a tangible, useful class of learning that would affect our everyday lives. So Machine Learning and AI dominated the media overshadowing every other aspect of Data Science like Exploratory Analysis, Metrics, Analytics, ETL, Experimentation, A/B testing and what was traditionally called Business Intelligence.

Data Science - the General Perception
So now, the general public thinks of data science as researchers focussed on machine learning and AI. But the industry is hiring Data Scientists as Analysts.

So, there is a misalignment there. The reason for the misalignment is that yes, most of these scientists can probably work on more technical problem but big companies like Google, Facebook and Netflix have so many low hanging fruits to improve their products that they do not need to acquire any more machine learning or statistical knowledge to find these impacts in their analysis.

A good Data Scientist is not just about complex models, Being a good data scientist is not about how advanced your models are. It is about how much impact you can have on your work.

You are not a data cruncher, you are a problem solver. You are a strategist. Companies will give you the most ambiguous and hard problems and they expect you to guide the company in the right direction.

A Data Scientist's job starts with collecting data. This includes User generated content, instrumentation, sensors, external data and logging.

The next aspect of a Data Scientist's role is to move or store this data. This involves the storage of unstructured data, flow of reliable data, infrastructure, ETL, pipelines and storage of structured data.

As you move up the required work for a Data Scientist, the next one is transforming or exploring. This particular set of work encompasses preparation, anomaly detection and cleaning.

Next in the hierarchy of work for a Data Scientist is Aggregation and Labelling of data. This work involves Metris, analytics, aggregates, segments, training data and features.

Learning and Optimizing forms the next set of work for Data Scientists. This set of work includes simple machine learning algorithms, A/B testing and experimentation.

At the top of the set is the most complex work of Data Scientists. It consists of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning,

All of this data engineering effort is very important and it is not just about creating complex models, there is a lot more to the job.

Now that you have seen what a Data Scientist's job entails, this must have prepared you to choose the right training course for you to undertake your journey. All the best.

If you happen to be in the Beirut area, follow this link to get to the best Data science training institute.

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23 List of Techniques To Increase Visitors To Your Website

1. Advertise: Social media advertising and display advertising are all excellent ways of attracting visitors, building your brand and getting your site in front of people.

2. Get Social: One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content.

3. Mix It Up: News-based blog posts with long-form content as well as video, infographics and data-driven pieces for maximum impact.

4. Write Irresistible Headlines: Headlines are one of the most important parts of your content.

Without a compelling headline, even the most comprehensive blog post will go unread. Master the art of headline writing.

5. Pay Attention to On-Page SEO: Optimizing your content for search engines is still a valuable and worthwhile practice.

6. Target Long-Tail Keywords

7. Do Guest Blogging

8. Invite Others to Guest Blog on Your Site

9. Go After Referral Traffic

10. Post Content to LinkedIn

11. Implement Schema Microdata

12. Link Internally

13. Interview Industry Thought Leaders

14. Don’t Neglect Email Marketing

15. Make Sure Your Site is Responsive

16. Make Sure Your Site is Fast

17. Foster a Sense of Community

18. Make Yourself Heard in Comment Sections

19. Examine Your Analytics Data

20. Get Active on Social Media

21. Submit Your Content to Aggregator Sites

22. Incorporate Video into Your Content Strategy

23. Research the Competition

6 Easy Ways To Improve The Credibility Of Your Website

Website credibility is a key factor that no small business owner can realistically afford to ignore as it affects sales and customer engagement.

Without a reliable, credible website your ability to:

    Maximize your sales.

    Effectively interact with your customers.

    Communicate your value to prospective customers,becomes difficult and limited.

Think about your own experiences shopping online. What are some of the key reasons you have abandoned an online shopping cart?

    The website payment gateway wasn't secure.

    Postage or shipping charges where not disclosed till near the end of the transaction and were too expensive.
    No physical address that you could easily find on the website.
    Customer service phone numbers and email addresses where difficult to find.
    The website 'returns policy' was non existent or difficult to find.

    The above are just a few reasons why web visitors might abandon a shopping cart.

If a prospective customer doesn't think that they are dealing with a professional, trustworthy, service provider, the chances are they won't complete the online transaction.

Here are some easy to implement changes that can help improve the credibility of your website.

How to boost your website credibility

1. Easy to access customer service

Make sure it's easy for people to get in touch with you via your website. Remember customers like to have customer support options. For example:

    Phone support
    Email support
    Live web chat

Making it easy for customers to get in touch with you means they can quickly ask a question about your product or service.

This makes it more likely that they will make a purchase as it helps them to feel more secure knowing they can easily get in touch, if they have a problem.

2. Include your contact details

Put your contact details on your website. Sounds simple right? You would be surprised how many websites don't!

At a minimum you should include your phone, email, and a physical address even if it is a PO Box.

Often when we can't find contact information on a website we immediately wonder whether they are hiding something or why are they withholding this information.

Links to social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube or Instagram are also helpful in building credibility as they show that the business is trading and promoting itself on several platforms.

3. Reviews and customer testimonials

Google reviews, Facebook reviews and customer testimonials all help to create an increased level of social proof. This helps build credibility for your brand and your website. If you haven't added these social icons to your website I suggest you do.

4. Logos and security badges

Are you an accredited service provider? Do you have a CPA qualification or perhaps another well recognised qualification?

If so, make sure you add these logos to your website. Including logos of well known institutes or industry bodies can help boost the credibility of your website.

If you run a product based business and sell online, security badges can be very useful too. If customers know that their online transactions are going to be secure they are more likely to provide their credit card details.

5. Articles and press

Don't underestimate the power of print media.

Articles, editorials or mentions in the press are another great way to build your brand and create online credibility.

Add these articles or add a link to them on your website.

If there are some great images used in the article, share these on your website too, which again helps to build the profile of your business.

6. About Us page

An informative "About Us" page listing credentials and experience is also a great way to boost credibility. After the "Home page" the "About us" page on a website is one of the most visited pages. Therefore, if yours could do with an update, go for it.

Take Action - most are easy to implement

Most of all, many of the suggestions above are easy to implement so take a moment to review your website and evaluate if there are any opportunities to improve it.

Remember with the right knowledge and a can-do attitude, you can make the changes needed to help grow your business. If you are not sure what to do or need some help consider seeking assistance from a qualified marketing consultant.

For regular free marketing advice and tips to help attract customers and grow your business, subscribe to the Small Chilli Marketing Blog.

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Benefits Of Reviewing Niche Products And Services

Reviewing Products and services can lead to unlimited opportunity

In this article we'll be discussing the process of researching products and services that can be used as reviews within the posted content on your website.

There is an awesome opportunity residing in every niche and product reviews are a critical component to any successful authority website on the internet.

Let's have a look at these topics:

    Introduction to Product Reviews

    Products and Services can lead to great opportunity

    The Top Platforms to use for product research

    Building product keyword lists

Introduction to product reviews

Marketers create several types of product reviews:

    Single product review - ex: Mr Coffee 12 Cup Coffee Maker
    multiple product review - ex: Best 12 Cup Coffee Makers
    Product vs product review- ex: Mr Coffee vs Keurig 12 Cup Coffee Makers

There are other ways to review products, some other product review types are:

    Video - display product and how to use
    Unboxing from delivery
    Negative review warning viewers and offering a better choice
    The 5 Ws - ex. who: Mr. Coffee - when: sold in stores, what: digital coffee pot, why: it's new and improved, where: online and near you.

What can be included in our review:

    Overall rank
    Product descriptions
    Pros and Cons
    Guarantee - yes/no
    Product specifications

These can be displayed somewhere on the review page.

The reviewing products and services process is all to inform your readers so that they can make an educated purchasing decision, and help them make the best choice for their situation. The viewer has come to your website by choosing our link from the search engine result pages (serp's).

The first thing they see upon entering your site is the link page that they clicked on. We should come across, or appear to them as professional business people who care about them so they can feel comfortable and trust us as niche authorities.

We also need to see the whole process from the right point of view in that we are trying to help the reader make an educated purchasing decision.

We are NOT trying to sell them anything. Our service to the reader is to provide them with reliable quality content that answers their search entry, and lead them to the better choice, which could be the product that we are promoting.

How Reviewing Products and Services can lead to great opportunity
Every review represents a burst of traffic to your website and also an evergreen, or continuous, source of traffic.

It's a great idea to pay attention to the new releases, or trending products in your niche that you can review. As viewers are looking for the new product they can see your review and end up on your website, possibly leaving their email address or even making a purchase.

The more reviews that you write means more and more traffic to your website, coming from the many social media sites, forums, and various serp's (search engine result pages). So, the more quality product reviews we can write means all the more potential opportunity through the many avenues can come our way.

The Top Platforms to use for product research

    Product source or website - Best for specifications and details
    Manufacturer - Best for specifications and details
    Distributor source - Amazon, Best Buy, Home Depot
    Reviews - great for feedback on the product. It's a good habit to always check the product reviews on Amazon, and wherever the product is sold.
    Google alerts - name - this will get lots of relevant info in your email so that you can stay updated and well-informed concerning the product.
    Highest Competitors - could find some info useful whether a video or previously unknown fact.
    JV sources - joint venture: JVzoo, JVnotifypro, phys example: The Rock and Under Armour teaming up to create a specific line of clothing.

Building a product keyword list
It's really necessary to use a good keyword tool and there are a number of good ones Free online and most at least have free trials.

The FREE Google Keyword Planner has been around for many years now and is a great one to use. This keyword planner is great to use with each and every post, article, or page that you write and can certainly be of great assistance as you fill up your website with fresh, quality, relevant, keyword rich content that attracts viewers and satisfies their search inquiries.

One great thing about using this tool is that you can draw information directly from Google's search engine which is by far the largest and most used search option available.

Find a quiet place and spend some time researching within and making a list of topics and ideas that you can write about.

Every title should have one main keyword in it. Within every niche there are many areas or topics that can be written about. Every article, post, or page that you create for your website should have a keyword in the title and that will be the focal point of the article.

The goal for every article or post is to get your article and website ranked well with Google, Bing, Yahoo, and the rest of the search engines. This will attract visitors from the vastness of the internet to visit your site.

It's best to save all of the keywords that we want to use and add them to the list which is saved within the keyword tool that we're using.

Some great information is found in the keyword tool, and it's also best to choose a keyword that:

    Is relevant to my niche
    Gets over 30 average searches per month
    Has less than 100 QSR, or quoted search results (competing sites)
    Must be grammatically correct

While you're building up your website with useful quality article content you are also presenting yourself as an expert within your niche.

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6 Tips To Look Professional Online

There are millions of people who are using internet for professional purposes. It is called online reputation management. No matter what field of work you are in, online content is powerful in making and marring the image of a person.

Though no specific rules define professional behavior online but it is advisable to follow some basic steps in order to look more like an expert and less like an amateur.

Here is a guide to help you put your best foot forward on the Web-

1. The best stands out

The internet does not filter out items you don't want other people to see. If somebody key in your name into Google then it will deliver the most relevant results.

So, load the web with professional content that reflects well on your name.

2. Maintain your reputation

Your privacy and reputation should be taken care of.

This process is time consuming but try to dedicate some time to find out and remove dubious content. For e.g. If your friend an objectionable photo on Facebook, try and remove the tag yourself.

Make sure, no questionable content should be available related to you on web. Though it is virtually impossible to entirely remove the content once published online but your best option is to keep negative materials from ever hitting the web at the first place.

3. Protect personal information

Protecting password and other vital information is of supreme importance on the web. If anyone gets access to your account, it may ruin things beyond repair. People get victims of identity theft, sometimes financial resources get stolen and other times computers are hacked. So, the password should not be easy-to-guess thing. Keep on monitoring all accounts on daily basis.

4. Branding is must

Maintaining online reputation is not just being safe about your data but think of your online reputation as a product that needs to be marketed continuously.

Creating a business fan page on Facebook, joining professional sites like LinkedIn, writing a blog are some of the effective ways to manage your professional presence. It will be great if colleagues and clients review your services or goods.

Honest reviews are powerful. Never forget smart web surfers can quickly spot fake reviews. Try to be consistent with messages and profiles. While writing content, make sure you use the same logos, slogan and even fonts. When anybody offers criticism, respond amicably and figure out the solution to solve the problem.

5. Cash your expertise

It is important to be online to pump up your reputation in unlimited ways. There is no better way to present yourself as a well-rounded, trustworthy professional than blogging about a topic that interest you.

This initiative will help you establish as an expert on a relevant subject. Even you are not among world's top experts but putting a thought and value into online content is always appreciated.

6. The internet memory is accurate

Internet never forgets. If you put write anything online, it is there forever. So be cautious and vigilant what you are feeding it.

Not everyone is happy with the internet's long memory but your vigilance is your best protection.

Reshali Balasubramaniam
Head of HR, HR Counselor and adviser at and EFutureTech Systems. Submit your resume online and be contacted by prospective employers.
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3 Basic Investing Rules To Know

Investing your money can be a great way to ensure your financial future. With the right investment choices, you can be sure to have money for emergencies, to put towards the education of your children, and to have available when the time comes for you to retire.

There is a key word in the preceding phrase however- “right”.

If you make the wrong investment choices, you may just end up where you started or worse, flat broke.

Most people who invest wisely by making the right decisions with their money follow the same basic investment pattern, although they may define it by another name.

It might be that you are the cynical type who chooses to believe that the basic rules could not possibly be as easy as they seem, in an area that seems so complex. It is true. However, that these rules have withstood the test of time.

First of all, make sure that the money you choose to invest is indeed earmarked for the purpose. As in any form of gambling, there is nothing to be gained and everything to be lost when it comes to investing. Do not put up money that you cannot afford to lose should the market take a downturn.

One rule that people seem to refuse to apply in any area of their lives, including the world of investing, is lean not on your own understanding.

Most of the time, this is the result of people balking at entrusting another person with their money, believing that with a little understanding they can work the market themselves.

This reasoning is fundamentally flawed. In the first place, most people will not be able to begin to unravel the complicated graphs, pie charts, and statistics by which the investment world relates its information. In order to understand what the numbers mean, you will need to have some basic training.

There may come a time after you have had some experience in the market that you will be able to make sound decisions on your own, but the initial get-your-feet-wet phase is not the time to attempt it.

1. Check the background of the adviser you choose, as there are a lot of brokers out there looking for a quick fleece.

The best brokers will have years of experience, a variety of investment backgrounds, and will probably cost you much less than you might think.

2. Think long term. Unless you invest millions of dollars initially, it will take time for your investments to mature and begin to accumulate substantial gains.

The best investments are proven over time, and thus it is best to place your funds in long term choices.

The details of this are plain- it is best to forget about this money in terms of a cash fall back, at least for a number of years.

3. Diversification is an oft-flogged truism of the investment world. A good portfolio will include cash and cash equivalents (GICs, fixed annuities), growth investments (stocks), and growth and income investments such as mutual funds.

Diversification ensures that you do not have all your eggs in one basket should any part of the market experience a downturn.

Note that diversification means not only investing in several areas, but also making sure that no one area contains a disproportionate percentage of your funds.


What Is the Next Level For The Internet?

Ever wondered how the Internet could be upgraded? What would be required or expected? Read on to find out.

Here they are:

 1.   Having controls or censorship of some kind

A five-year old kid should not be able to access pornography sites for instance, and there should be some kind of controls or censorship embedded within the web monitoring them.

 2.   More master classes and online webinars

They could be about a hot topic regarding your niche and what you have researched and found. They could be about promoting a digital program or product you own.

3.    More surveys

They could be about what your subscribers want to know more about or utilize more. They could be about what they want more of. An online survey, correctly constructed, would help to reveal all that.

 4.   More videos and audio

More videos regarding a digital product or program you want to promote could be created. It helps you earn more sales and earn popularity if you built your product right with great demand.

Make known to as many people as you can about your product through videos and you will soar.

Meditation audio is very popular and there are many kinds of them available now. They are concerned with the mind and help to soothe the mind.

So try out these audio and you may get an amazing breakthrough. Creators of these audio promise they will work awesome even while you sleep and others which will work fantastically while you get ready for work.

 5.   More Email Marketing

Sending emails to your subscribers list and letting them know of your smashing brand new product(s) are what email marketing is about.

Gradually let them know why they would benefit from your product(s) and what is rich and invigorating about them.

 6.   Promotion on Social Media

You can also advertise your products via social media. Subscribers like to use social media as well. So if you could let them know about your fabulous products on this platform, you could benefit as well.

7.    Blogging

You can blog innovative ideas on a certain topic in your niche or blog simply to introduce your new book or any other product to bring attention of your readers.

Blogging will definitely become more rampant when you take the internet to the next level.

8.    Article Writing

Yes, article writing is another way to introduce your ideas to the world. It is also a good medium to promote your book or digital product in the promotional area and you will start to get positive responses as well.

9.    Mighty reign of Amazon

Amazon depth will be larger selling even wider range of products. Book marketing via Amazon will always be good for the benefits of society, nation and world.

Summing up, these are a few pointers where internet could get even more visibility if you would like to take it to the next level. In fact, the existing pointers show where the internet is already doing good and could do even better and better as days go by.

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5 Digital Marketing Basics To Know Now And To Come

Digital marketing consists of a lot of strategies. In fact, it's a holistic approach to do different types of marketing activities across different online platforms. 

These methods get upgraded on a regular basis as new technologies emerge across the globe. 

Therefore, digital marketing has grown significantly over the past few years. If you are new to this field, you may want to read the basics of digital marketing explained below.

1. Invest in machine Learning and Artificial intelligence (AI)
First of all, the artificial intelligence (AI) will be quite more popular in the coming years. Machine learning is another important part of digital marketing. 

In the near future, social media bots will play a great role as far as connecting with potential customers is concerned. 

So, you may want to give more importance to social media if you want to communicate with your customers in an effective manner. According to experts, about 85% of customers will interact with bots to get the information they need.

2. Share your videos on Social Media
Make sure you share your business videos across different social media platforms. Unlike the images or written content, a good video is more effective as far as grabbing the eyes of the visitors is concerned.

 This is really important if you are going to market on the leading platforms, such as Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook. According to the latest research, 80% of people like to watch videos on the internet. They don't want to read articles  or blog posts that much any longer.

3. Optimize your sites for Mobile Devices
In 2021 and beyond, your marketing strategies should be focused on mobile technology as well. According to the latest Google algorithm, your site should be optimized for mobile phones or you may get a penalty from Google. 

Nowadays, mobile phones are one of the most popular devices across the globe. The new year will grow the mobile video consumption by up to 30%. On the other hand, the demand for desktop computers will continue to decline, while that of laptops and mobile devices is on the increase.

4. Consider Mobile apps
In the world of digital marketing, mobile technology is the latest innovation. As a matter of fact, it's one of the most effective digital marketing tools in the here and now. With the help of this cellular technology, you can compete with your competitors to stay ahead in the field. 

Without any doubt, if you have a mobile responsive website, you can grow your business to a large extent. So, you may want to tap into the mobile apps as well. One such app is Whatsapp business. According to a source, mobile apps have generated over $88 billion, give or take, in recent years.

5. Focus on the Customer Experience
For your business, customers play the same role your blood plays in your body. Therefore, it's important that you work on the consumer experience. 

This will help you increase your sales over time. If your customers are satisfied with your products or service, they will keep coming back for more. So, these are the tips that you may want to consider to improve your digital marketing campaigns in 2021 and beyond.

DSDM is an ideal resource if you are interested in digital marketing training in West Delhi.
You can check out their courses on

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How To Turn A Struggling Startup Into A Successful Business

When you go to the doctor, he or she will not prescribe a solution to your symptom without a diagnosis. 

Similarly with businesses--large, small, start-up, or established. To identify underlying issues, we must perform a diagnosis.

First, what does struggling mean? The particular symptom could be insufficient sales, poor quality, inadequate staff, underfunding, and many other permutations. 

However, an important issue often overlooked is this: Does this business have the potential to be viable? Indeed, not because you decide to be in business means there is a market for the goods and services you offer! Did you do proper market research? 

Did you choose an activity that merely fits your talents and desires? How much planning did you do before you started?

Second, after diagnosing the issue(s), it's essential to deal with each matter identified, methodically, objectively, and be prepared to change course if needed. 

The result of this process might involve closing the business to stop the cash drain. It is a good idea to seek counsel from a trusted, experienced person whom will tell you the truth, not merely what he or she believes you wish to hear.

Sometimes, finalizing the primary purpose and strategy of the business can be difficult because finances (usually a lack thereof) can distract you, and cause you to seek a sub-optimal path. That's why you need to be patient while you raise adequate, funds required to start.

I advise a firm with a considerable problem of deciding its strategic path. This indecision led to the business struggling to find its way while burning cash. Should it go for a niche market, or should it try to gain a larger share of the broader market? The first will produce fewer customers, higher value-added products, greater attention to customers, and higher margins. The second would be a much larger market, lower margins, more customers, less value-added products, more standard products, and probably less profitable.

Executives debated the two alternatives endlessly and were divided. Meanwhile, the business struggled. I asked them to consider these four questions:

    Which markets are you serving today?
    Are you serving higher value-added and mass market customers?
    Are you delighting your customers today?
    What are your core competencies?

They were trying to operate in both markets and did a poor job in each, so they lost money. Customers were unhappy and returned products regularly. The firm had not identified core competencies and thus were not exploiting these competencies. 

Executives focused on "making money" to stop the cash drainage. But this approach was not satisfying customers who were fleeing. 

Most of all, while the issue was clear in hindsight, executives did not try to diagnose the business' condition; they saw the issue as a "cash flow problem," which it wasn't.

After my initial discussion with the owners, they realized they needed to diagnose the situation to find causes of the problems to fix them. Quickly, they understood their challenge; they were not serving their customers. 

Indeed, the business was not focussed; it headed in several directions resulting in the massive cash drain. Once they found the roots of the problem, they made changes and set the firm on a solid foundation.

They decided to be a niche player and focussed on serving particular customers while staying alert to market developments. 

A few years later, they were delighting customers. Today, the business' profitability keeps soaring.

Michel A. Bell is an author of six books, speaker, founder and president of Managing God's Money, adjunct professor of business administration at Briercrest College and Seminary, and former senior business executive. For more information visit

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The Business Of Selling Smoothies And Fruit Juice Drinks

Smoothies are highly nutritious drinks which are quite in high demand from health conscious people who want great refreshment drinks that don’t just taste nice but also but are health friendly as well.

Imagine that you are a health freak and don’t want to taste one of these carbonated drinks you fear may have adverse effects on your health what do you do?

My guess is if you can afford it you’ll stroll into a smoothie shop and order yourself a fruity drink.

There are unlimited opportunities in my opinion to market this business to a middle class and well educated population.

 You just have to consider a suitable location such as a stand at an upscale shopping center, business district or residential area with a large population of people who might require your services.

If you situate your business in a place with 10,000 people who fit your customer profile what you need to work on is mainly awareness to this people and the rest will follow.

Product Pricing
Smoothies are quite expensive when compared to processed drinks but still affordable to your target market.

Price starts from N50 to N150 per 16 oz cup to even N200 depending on location.

Your products may include; chapman drink, various smoothie fruit flavors, juices and even local drinks like Zobo, Soya Milk.

Start-up Funding

Business Registration.
Smoothie Maker – N15,000
Furniture – N50,000
Rent – N50,000
Utensils (cups, plates, cutlery etc) – N20,000
Fridge – N60,000
Others – N100,000
Total – N295,000

Financial Projections

At a little over 60% margin on sales your profit could be quite high but that largely depends on sales volume and overhead cost.

An investment of  just N 300,000 should breakeven within 6 months if you can achieve your sales target in time.

Options For Improvement With Refinancing

You have the house, you have the loan, and you have everything set in place.

You know that it feels great to have a place to call home.

However, there is something that is not fitting quite right.

Maybe your home feels like it needs more investment or maybe you want to find a different way to approach your loan.

If you are looking at options for improvement, refinancing is the way to turn. 

Refinancing is a step that you can take if you want to put in a little extra investment to your home.

 Whether it is to feel more comfortable or to get more out of your investment when you sell, refinancing is a great option for building up your home investment.

Not only will it be good for you to invest more and get more in return, but it can also help you to build credit from the investment. 

Usually, refinancing will begin with you applying for a second loan or mortgage.

Home equity loans are one way to help with refinancing your home.

There are also lines of credit and other considerations that you can make in order to get some extra money into your home.

The advantage of this is that when you go to sell your home, you will be able to value the price higher than it would have been with just the regular loan. 

If you are deciding on whether to refinance your home, you will want to consider several parts of the refinancing.

First, you will want to make sure that you are not taking your home out of the market.

You can determine this by researching to see what the market value of the area is and how this relates to your home.

If you are using a refinancing loan in order to consolidate bills or improve your credit, make sure that your finances are stable enough to allow you to pay off the refinancing loan. 

If you begin to refinance at the right time and with the right idea in mind, you can benefit off of a second mortgage and with some home improvement.

Polishing the floors and removing the old to put in the new can be beneficial not only for your check book, but also for your future.