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5 Modern Ways To Quickly Build An Email List

1. Create viral videos
When it comes to enticing people to join your mailing list, another good avenue you can take is to create video content and use it to promote your site. 
For example, you can create a series of instructional "how to" or tips videos for something related to your niche and include them as content that will be available to newsletter subscribers.

Furthermore, you can build up the value of this method further by providing a couple free examples of these videos on YouTube and elsewhere. Remember, when making videos for YouTube, make sure you mention your website and offer and/or have your website name watermarked in your video. Also add a clickable link in the video description. YouTube Bully 2 will lead you by the hand and show you how to turn simple videos into profit pulling machines.

2. Be a guest on Teleseminars and webinars
Doing Online live webinars and ‘hangouts’ are other promising ways in which you can generate list subscribers. Approach a few marketers who already do hangouts and webinars and offer to be a guest speaker. Then pick a date for the event with your Joint Venture partner (ideally, in the evening, when most of your market audience will be free) to discuss your area of expertise.

You might find this intimidating at first, but after you do it for a while, it will become easier and more natural. You can use GoT oMeeting ( to host your own webinars which is a paid service but the most popular pick f or webinar marketers. Make sure that you know what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it. 
During the call and at the end of the call, make explicit pitches for people to join your mailing list (and explain how it is even free to start with). While you might think that hosting teleseminars is the slow path to gaining subscribers, keep in mind that these new subscribers are much more likely to be active than your others. 
They will feel a personal connection with you having talked to you (or at least heard your voice) over the phone. This can easily translate into much more sales per person that your average prospect. Then when you have grown your list, have the JV be a guest speaker on your own teleseminar so you can help him in return.

3. Set up joint ventures (JVs)
A powerful way in which you can generate list subscribers is to setup joint ventures (JVs). A JV involves teaming up with other marketer(s) and working together to produce a business deal. In your case, you’ll be making some sort of exchange related to list building. 
For instance, you might consider creating a product or writing a sales letter for which you will share the revenues; and your partner may in turn agree to do all of the relevant list-building activities and promote one of your websites. The method above in #2 about being a teleseminar guest is a form of a joint venture.

4. Run an affiliate program
You may be familiar with Affiliate marketing, but this time, instead of you being the affiliate, turn the tables and get affiliates building your list. The best way is to use a site like Amazon, Clickbank, which will let you sell your products from their site and incorporate an affiliate program with it.

Offer a commission to your affiliates for sales of the up sell off er they generate and they will be happy to promote your free off er in hopes to get a sale of the up sell. If you sell your ebooks via another channel (not on your own site) such as on Amazon's kindle store, make sure you insert links within the pages that suggest the readers sign-up f or your newsletter. Affiliates can still promote and sell it f or a nice commission. They’ll make money; and you’ll get subscribers.

5. Pay for leads
Rather than indirectly using affiliate sales or blogging to generate subscriptions, you could also consider paying directly for referrals. You can do this by either purchasing leads formally; or by seeking out webmasters who are willing to divert traffic to your site. i.e. solo ads. Of course, if you wish to do the latter, you will have to setup a transparent system, so that your offer appears believable.

 In particular, you will have to setup an easy-to-check traffic counter that allows your referrers to check how much traffic you received from them. You will also usually need to pay an attractive price for the referrals you receive. It's all about trying different things to see what works best. There are also 5 Effective Ways To Quickly Build An Email List Here, Read More ! Best Wishes.