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2 Major Ways Of Getting Article Products

Today’s information products rarely consists of just written materials, instead you may find audio and video that complement the written portion of it.

So even if you don’t want to write it yourself, you can still be involved by doing an audio interview with a fellow expert, or creating an instruction video.
If you want to avoid writing the product yourself, then there are a couple of different ways you can do this.
1. Hire a ghostwriter: A ghostwriter will write whatever you need, but they will not take credit for the work. That means their name won’t be found anywhere on your product. 

If you would like to hire a ghostwriter, you can place an ad for your project and set your budget limit on job boards like, Writers will bid on your project (within your budget), and you will be able to select the writer you think will be most suited to the job. 

The best way to know if they are right for you is to view their writing portfolio, or samples to get an idea of what they are capable of. You certainly don’t want to pay a writer to create a shabby product that has your name on it.

2. Private Label Rights Articles: There are many great sites, that offer top-notch private label rights products and articles on various topics.

 If you can find articles that fit in with your information product topic, these will be perfect for filling it out. So rather than writing the entire thing yourself, you mix up these articles with your own writing.

 You will need to read the company terms because they vary from place to place, but typically you can use the articles any way you like.  

Some will even allow you to put your name on them as the author, while others won’t. You can edit them to fit in with your product, or just use them as a starting point to write your own articles

These are also great for putting together in a free report that you can give away as freebie to your mailing list (a great way to experiment with your topic). Best Of Luck To You.