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4 Skills EVERYONE In Sales Needs ( Part 1)

 Selling is a skill, and the best salespeople out there have a set of key skills that helps them achieve their success.

This isn't about the latest technology, this isn't about AI, this is about the CORE skills that help people sell.

In this blog, we are going to share with you the 8 skills that EVERYONE working in sales should have. If you can practice and master these skills, 2023 could be your best year yet.

Let's get started...

1) The Skill of LISTENING

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Once upon a time, salespeople were rated on their ability to "talk the talk". Now, however, it is the salespeople that LISTEN that win in sales. We're not just talking about pretending to listen whilst you think about what you're going to say next,

We are talking about real ACTIVE listening. Actually stop and listen to what they say, repeat parts back to clarify, ask for elaboration, let them do AS MUCH talking as possible.

Not only will you unlock TONNES of information that will help you sell, but you'll also build far greater trust with them.

2) The Skill of showing EMPATHY

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Emotional intelligence is the secret skill of the most elite salespeople out there. They have honed the ability to truly connect with their prospects and customers.

They totally put aside ego and fully understand their customers and the world their customers live in. Treat your prospects and customers as individuals, walk in their shoes, understand their pains and show them that you truly want to help them.

Build your emotional intelligence to grow stronger and longer-lasting relationships with your prospects and customers in 2023.

3) The Skill of MOTIVATION

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To be successful in sales you need motivation in abundance. You need it to push you to make more calls, send more emails, send more LinkedIn messages, drive to meetings, to knock doors. You need motivation to deal with the rejection, with the failures, with the losses.

The best salespeople NEVER rely on others for motivation, the create their OWN motivation each and every day.

They read motivating books, listen to motivating songs, take a quick 5-minute walk, focus on their goals, they do whatever they can to get the boost of motivation that they need.

4) The Skill of RESILIENCE

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One of the most important skills by far, sales people need to MASTER the skill of resilience. Every rejection should wash over them like water over a ducks back, it should simply wash away.

They need to take nothing personally, they need to push further and further and always avoid giving up.

So many more sales could be one by simply overcoming one or two more objections. or by pushing through just a couple more barriers. The skill of resilience will help you go so much further in sales than most.


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