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How To Optimize Images To Reduce Webpage Loading Time

Even though more and more Internet users switch to broadband every year, a small portion of the web's population is still running on good old dial up connections. 

It is therefore unwise to count them out of the equation when you're designing your website, and a very major consideration we have to make for dial up users is the loading time of your website.

Generally, all the text on your website will be loaded in a very short time even on a dial up connection. 

The culprit of slow-loading sites is mainly large images on your website, and it is very important to strike a delicate balance between using just enough images to attract your users and not to bog down the overall loading time of your site.

You should also go to a greater length and optimize every image on your site to make sure it loads in the least time possible. 

What I really mean is to use image editing software to remove unnecessary information on your images, and thereby effectively reducing the file size of your image without affecting its appearance.

If you own Photoshop, it will be obvious to you that when you save an image as a JPEG file, a dialog box appears and lets you choose the "quality" of the JPEG image -- normally a setting of 8 to 10 is good enough as it will preserve the quality of your image while saving it at a small file size. 

If you do not have Photoshop, there are many free image compressors online that you can download and use to reduce your image's file size.

On the other hand, you can opt to save your images in PNG format to get the best quality at the least file size. 

You can also save your images in GIF format -- the image editing software clips away all the color information not used in your image, hence giving you the smallest file size possible.

 However, saving in GIF format will often compromise the appearance of your image, so make your choice wisely!

Treat Women Customers Well For Better Sales

Marketing wisdom tells us that 80% of all household purchases are made by women, and no business owner can ignore them. 

Marketers of kids’ gear, food, cosmetics and clothes are good at reaching women, but women buy gender-neutral stuff too, like cars, auto services, technology and just about everything except maybe Viagra.

A marketing consulting firm reports that 55 % of women 16 and older are working. 

They comprise over half of all college students and about 35% of small business owners according to the figures of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

 A study found that of 400 American women surveyed, 38% live in households with incomes of $50,000 - $100,000, and 10% were in the $100,000 annual income range.

No business owner can afford to ignore this market, but not ignoring them is not the same as attracting them.  Attracting them is not the same as winning their loyalty, either. 

There is definitely a difference in dealing with women because they notice the small stuff.

  While men tend to make judgments based on first impressions and key interactions, women never stop gathering information.
Women develop a collage of impressions about a business from a hundred small factors; everything from its cleanliness to the design of the shopping bag.

 Smart business owners turn this to their advantage by investing in small amenities women can appreciate.

 Many young women today are much wiser than the boomers were at the same age. They have traveled widely and are accomplished and picky consumers.

The key to winning the loyalty of women shoppers and your share of this market is to offer carefully selected choices rather than a plethora of everything from A-to-Z that overwhelms them, adopt this strategy and offer simple clothes for women.   

Furniture stores have pared their selections to an “everything goes with everything else” array. 

 Even house paint companies are adhering to this strategy of paring down and offering carefully selected choices.

Women have so many work and family responsibilities they don’t have time to research and ponder every buying decision.   

They also aren’t trying to impress their friends by having the most toys. 

 While a man may want 16 different size screwdrivers in his toolbox, you show a woman a tool with 16 interchangeable heads and she’ll buy it.   

Now she has one instrument which takes up less room but accomplishes the same thing, costs less in the end, and does the same job. 

Whether buying for themselves of for the business they own or manage, women make final purchasing decisions based on the relationship with the seller, not on statistics and voluminous data. 

 Given a choice on two nearly identical products, women will choose based on customer service and relationship with the vendor.

Men want to buy the product and leave, while women want to know how it works.

 By having enough staff to guide the customer and answer questions they have good to unequaled repeat business from women. 

And stores have learned that customer service is respect. “It’s taking the time to explain things to a customer and not talk down to them”

Entrepreneurs assume that marketing to women is all about discounts and giveaways, but care and creativity is what really attracts women.   

If a man is ignored by a sales clerk he thinks, “What a jerk.” 

A woman will think, “I hate this company.” It’s the small things, good and bad, that make the impact on women customers. 

 Learn this, and you’ve got a handle on your share of a growing niche.

How To Succeed With Internet Marketing Campaigns

Internet marketing has quickly become one of the most popular advertising options available for Advertising. The Internet reaches a worldwide audience and is available 24 hours a day. For this reason more and more potential customers are turning to the Internet for a variety of reasons including researching products and services and making purchases.

As more and more consumers turn to the Internet for these reasons, it is important for businesses to establish an online presence.

This is so important because failure to do so may result in their competitors gaining an edge over them in competing for sales.
While it is important for business to begin Internet marketing campaigns it is also important for these same businesses to realize basic advertising principles still exist and they cannot neglect these principles. Most importantly those who advertise online have to be aware of who their target audience is and how to reach this audience.

As with any marketing campaign, business owners should do some market research before they launch their Internet marketing campaign. Ideally this will involve hiring a research consultant with a great deal of experience in conducting and evaluating this type of market research. 

The results of this research should determine the basic demographical information for the target audience. The results should also include information on how to reach this target audience. A business that cannot afford to hire a consultant to conduct this market research should still make an effort to obtain this information on their own.

  This can be done through informal polls of current clients. This information may not be as comprehensive as the information obtained in a more formal study but it can still provide a great deal of insight into the best way to reach the target audience. Once this information is obtained, it is important to tailor the Internet marketing campaign to appeal to the target audience. 

There are a number of different variables which can be modified to ensure the right message is reaching the right people in a manner they can understand and in which they can relate. Some of the ways in which your Internet marketing campaign can be tailored in this way include the aesthetics of your website or advertisements, the wording of your copy and the use of more advanced design features such as audio and visual or interactive tools.

The aesthetic appeal of a website can greatly contribute to how the website is viewed by the members of the target audience.

 A website which is designed to attract the attention of an older generation with more conservative tastes should include muted colors, clean design and conservative graphics. This will help to ensure the target audience enjoys the website. 

Conversely if you are looking to appeal to a younger audience with more liberal viewpoints you might chose to design the website with bold colors, eye catching graphics and creative design features. The copy you include on your website should also take your target audience into consideration. 

Consider the examples of a conservative and a liberal audience listed above to create a better understanding of how the copy on your website can appeal to the target audience.

When marketing to a more conservative audience, the copy should be tailored to use formal language and use facts to back up viewpoints. However, when you are marketing to a more liberal audience or a younger audience you can consider using less formal language which is likely to appeal to the target audience. 

You can also focus more on emotion to express viewpoints. Finally, when a website is created for the purposes of Internet marketing it is important for the design of the website to appeal to the target audience.

You may wish to include audio and video clips on your website but these clips should appeal to the target audience. For example if your website sells skateboards you might consider incorporating audio clips from punk rock bands as opposed to country music bands. 

There may be some skateboarders who enjoy country music but in general punk rock music more closely represents the skating culture.

Keeping these details in mind is very important for Internet marketing.  Have a Wonderful Day

A Brief History Of Search Engines

Search engines have the main purpose to index thousands of millions of web pages. Once you look for a word or a phrase, the search engine scans automatically the entire database, where it has the stored pages indexed and it returns to you as a result a list containing the most relevant results for that search.  The only criteria the number of pages found and their relevance depend on are the capabilities of the used search engine.
Search engines appeared somewhere in the early 90’s when Alan Emtage, a student at the McGill University in Montreal created the first search engine like tool.
 It was called Archie. Its purpose was to search through the information available on the FTP servers.
The files on these servers were available for anyone, but one couldn’t use them unless knowing the exact address of the server and of the file.
Archie looked through this database and gathered lists of files for each server.
It was used by people to match phrases and characters in order to take them to the server address the file they were looking for was on. Archie is now an old method, but its creation was the first step in the search engine rally that is going on now. 
As the public grew more and more aware of the existence of the internet, the need for a search tool became visible. So, first there were some software robots, using the concept of spidering to index the web, following links from one site to the other and saving the text from all visited websites in a database.
Between 1994 and 1995 three important search engines appeared: Lycos, WebCrawler and AltaVista. At about the same time Yahoo! appeared but Yahoo! is not a search engine. Yes, it has a search engine function, but yahoo is firstly a director or data and articles, providing different services as email and hosting.
 Recently yahoo has signed contracts with other search engines as Google for both of them to provide more search results. Today search engines are in a continuous competition. There are thousands of search engines, but just a few big ones. This small group of top search engines is responsible for more than 90% of online searches.
But the question arises: if search engines are free and they can be used by everyone what keeps them financially alive?  The answer to the question is very simple: advertising and traffic. The more visits they have, the bigger the traffic then the more money they can make providing promotion space. Search engines are competing to develop the best formulas and algorithms to evaluate the web pages accordingly to the keywords provided.
If someone is looking for a top position in search engines, then he has to be sure that his site is projected in such a way that search engines would find it easily. Importantly, It Must be relevant for the keywords and phrases the owner wants it to be found by. All the best, Have a Good Day.

4 Main Benefits Of A Sitemap

A sitemap is often considered redundant in the process of building a website, and that is indeed the fact if you made a sitemap for the sake of having one.
By highlighting the importance of having a well constructed sitemap, you will be able to tailor your own sitemap to suit your own needs.
1) Navigation purposes
A sitemap literally acts as a map of your site.

If your visitors browses your site and gets lost between the thousands of pages on your site, they can always refer to your sitemap to see where they are, and navigate through your pages with the utmost ease.

2) Conveying your site's theme
When your visitors load up your sitemap, they will get the gist of your site within a very short amount of time.

There is no need to get the "big picture" of your site by reading through each page, and by doing that you will be saving your visitors' time.
3) Site optimization purposes
When you create a sitemap, you are actually creating a single page which contains links to every single page on your site.

 Imagine what happens when search engine robots hit this page -- they will follow the links on the sitemap and naturally every single page of your site gets indexed by search engines!
 It is also for this purpose that a link to the sitemap has to be placed prominently on the front page of your website.
4) Organization and relevance
A sitemap enables you to have a complete bird's eye view of your site structure, and whenever you need to add new content or new sections, you will be able to take the existing hierarchy into consideration just by glancing at the sitemap.

As a result, you will have a perfectly organized site with everything sorted according to their relevance.
From the above reasons, it is most important to implement a sitemap for website projects with a considerable size.

Through this way, you will be able to keep your website easily accessible and neatly organized for everyone. Best of Luck.

The Magical Accounting Rules In Business

To make sure that financial statements are easy to understand, there is a set of rules and practices that is established, which is known as the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

This has been developed to provide a basic guideline for the rules of accounting because I think it’s fair to say that it can get confusing at times.

There are a lot of variations to the meaning so here is the best answer.  It’s the generally accepted accounting rules and procedures that are necessary to define accounting practice.

 Basically it’s a set of theories that accountants come to accept, and there are always controversies with some methods between accountants like any other field of study.

Accounting is a discipline that is always growing and changing so it’s a good idea to keep up to date with all of the trends that are going on.

Since the management prepares the financial statements of a company it is possible that a financial statement can be altered to give a company a particular boost.

 So, that’s why the companies that sell their ownership to the public needs to get their financial statements audited by a public certified accountant.

A certified public accountant (CPA) are licensed through the sate for the same exact reason lawyers and doctors are, so they and protect the public by providing the highest quality of professional service possible.
 The reason why CPAs are used is because they have no connection with the company and are independent.

 They have zero financing ties with the company.

Some firms that employ a lot of certified public accountants include Deloitte & Touch, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers

An accountant with no strings attached or is independent commonly performs an audit, which is evaluating a companies financial statements, product, accounting systems, and records. 

 The main purpose of an audit is to make sure that the financial statements have been properly prepared according to the excepted accounting rules.

Keep in mind; since accounting is not a precise science it has room for interpretation according to the GAPP. 

 However, that doesn’t mean that the accountants report should contain substantial errors in the financial report, but more like that for the most report it is reliable for creditors to take a look at.  

 An accountant can make a decision only when the financial statements conform to the guidelines of GAAP.  

 In the past creditors, banks, and investors tend to favor an auditor when they are deciding to invest in a company or give loans, because of their independence.  

 The individualistic audit is an extremely crucial factor in the growth of financial markets internationally. Also, many organizations can directly or indirectly influence a GAAP.

 The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is the most critical body for the development and issuing of rules on accounting practice. The website I previously listed is extremely critical and you can attend seminars online for no cost, and also stay up to date with the rules. 

This independent body issues the Statements of Financial Accounting Standards. Next, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is the official professional association for certified accountants.

It’s the largest CPA organization that exists in America and heavily influence accounting practices through its senior committees. 

 The Securities and Exchange Commission is the agency of the federal government that legally has the power to set and execute accounting practices for companies that sell security to the public, and it has a large impact on accounting practice. 

Next, the governmental accounting standard (GASB)  is critical for accounting because its main job is to issue the standards for accounting to the local and state governments in the United States. 

 However, a lot of these organizations are focused on the rules in regulations in the United States.

There are a lot of businesses and accountants internationally so that’s why the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) was formed. 

 It was approved by more then 25 international agencies.  The U.S laws that analyze the revenues for the cost of operating a business can also affect accounting practice.

It’s no question that the major provider for income for the government comes from income tax. The income tax rules are heavily applies by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Sometimes these rules actually cause a conflict with the accepted rules of accounting.

 A lot of businesses use accounting practices because it’s a requirement by tax law. 

Also, companies can use the rules of tax law to their advantage financially. 

 Accounting also has laws of conduct for profession, and one extremely important one is ethics.

It touches bases on questions that help determine if something is either right or wrong, and is based on moral decisions.

Most people are faced with several ethical issues each day and, and some ethical activities could be on the range of illegal.

 If a business decides to use false or misleading advertising, or to bribe customers into giving them testimonials for a specific product, then they could be acting in an unethical manner.

  The ethics of a company could also be a result of the employees so that’s why it’s always a good idea to run a background check of who you are hiring, whether it’s online or offline. 

 Professional ethics is the guidelines that apply to the conduct of individuals of a certain profession. 

 Similar to the ethical actions of a company, the ethical actions of an individual is a decision.   

As being a member of an organization, accountants have to take the responsibility not only to their customers and employers, but also to the general public to act in the greatest ethical way possible.

Accountants are very good at following professional ethics because they are the second professional group as having the largest ethical standards, with clergy being the highest, no surprises about that one. 

 It is important for individuals who decide to become an accountant to have the highest levels of professionalism as possible.

To enforce that its prestigious members are following the rules, the AICPA along with each state have adopted some codes of professional conduct that certified public accountants have to follow.  

Some simple rules are being responsible to the people that depend on the trust of accountants, such as creditors and investors.

 When working with people the accountant must act with integrity which means that they are honest, and the individuals gain from the visit with the accountant.

The accountant must display objectivity which means that they are intellectually honest, and they must remain independent which means that they must avoid any relationship with the business or individual because it will damage the accountant’s principles.

How A Business Can Gain Freely From The Online World

You  probably already use the  Online World  for  many  things. 

Whether  you use it for entertainment,  research, sending E-mail to  friends and family,  or  just  discussing  numerous  subject topics with others.

Of  all the things you can do online,  there  is  one  that  you should definitely know how to do. 


That's  right, with the power  of  the  Online World  to  reach millions of people,  Online Marketing is definitely an  awesome tool  that no business should be without.

The simple  fact that advertising is practically  FREE.  

 The ability  to get the results of  thousands  of  dollars  in  free publicity  is practically unheard of in  business  today. 

Only recently  have more and more people figured out how  to  utilize the  ever  exploding Online World  to  market  their  business efforts.

Think about it,  there is probably no business in existence that could  not benefit  from  free  publicity!  

And  the  fact  that properly  utilizing  free  advertising  raises  net  profits to unbelievable  levels! 

Using any  or  all  of  the  major  online services, or the INTERNET,  can help you market  your  business efforts.

Let's start with plain-old advertising. On Some Websites Online, for example,  they will let you place classified advertisements  for FREE! 

They have a variety of classifications to choose from.  

By placing these small free ads you can generate some very  quality leads  that can turn into sales. 

Or if you are a  really  good marketer  you could sell something straight from your  free  ad.Wouldn't  that be something,  using the actual free ad to do all of the selling.

The  other services offer free advertising from  time  to  time. 

When  they do charge for  classified  ads  it  is  usually  very inexpensive,  and still a great deal considering how many people those  ads can reach. 

  When you place  any  advertisements  you should always "code" your ads. 

 This means put something in each individual  ad that will tell you,  if you get any business from it,  which ad it came from.   

This way,  you will probably  find that  some sections are better producers than  others,  and  you will want to concentrate on these sections and not the ones that weren't making any money.

To code an ad you could make them request a certain "report"  for more  information. 

You should give each report a different  code for  each ad.   Such as:  "ask for report #1tv" ,  this way  you would know that this request came from the ad on television, for  sale category,  and so forth.   

If they send you  an  order straight from the ad, make them give you an order #, which would be  different for each ad.  


By  not tracking exactly which ads are making  money,  they  are wasting  their  time  by  continually  placing  ads  in  "loser" categories.  

 The actual code can be anything you want to assign to it.  ALWAYS keep track of every ad you place.  

Make a note of what  it said,  where and when  it  was  placed.  

You  will  be pleasantly  surprised when you analyze your "ad  data"  and  see some  positive trends developing.  

 Just repeat these trends and it will help you to make more money!

How  would you like to find a name list of several  hundred  (or even thousand)  people who might be interested in the particular product or service you are  selling  based  on  their  jobs  or interests?  

Wouldn't that be great!?  Well, you  can! And the Online Services supply this as a part of  your  regular

This  little unknown tool is called the "Member Directory!"  You can  do searches in the directory for other users  with  certain characteristics.   

For example,  if  you were selling  fishing equipment, you could do a search by "fishing." 

All of the people that were registered in the directory and had listed fishing  as one  of their hobbies would show up on that  search  list.

You could  now send each one  of  those  people  an  e-mail  message telling them about your product or service, it's just like using a  mailing list,  but you have no postage!

 (*Make sure you check with  your Online service  to  see  if  they  allow  unsolicited E-mail.)

You  can also get the names of several prospects by  doing  some "browsing"  in the different topic forums.  

 Using  the  earlier example  of looking for people who fish,  you could  look  under sports until you found a discussion on fishing.   

You could then take  note of the users' names that were  participating  in  the discussions.

You could do the same thing on the INTERNET with one of the many newsgroup topics that they have.

The  bottom line is that you "test" and record  the  results  of your Online Marketing efforts.  

 Then just repeat the steps that are making you money and expand on them to reach more people.

Doing simple research on the Internet. 

The Internet has several mailing  lists that are dedicated to marketing on the  Internet. 

You  will also find hundreds of articles on the World Wide Web.

 By searching one of the search engines like Google, yahoo search, Bing, Ask, you can  find all the information you can read.   

Use search strings such  as: "online marketing", "internet  advertising",  "selling online", and so on. 

Best wishes.

The Importance Of Tracking Internet Marketing Results

As with any marketing campaign you may run to assist your business, it is important to track the results of your Internet marketing campaign. This should be done on a continual basis so you can ensure the strategies you are utilizing are working.

It can also help you to determine when a strategy is not working so you do not continue to invest time and money on a strategy which is not beneficial to your business.

 This article will discuss some of the options for tracking the results of your Internet marketing campaign.
Business owners who use banner ads have a simple way to track whether or not their banner ads are effective.

This is possible because they can place code in the banner ad which will supply them with feedback each time a user clicks on the banner ad.

 This information is transmitted to the business owner so he can evaluate which of his banner ads are generating the most interest.

If the business owner is currently using two different styles of banner ads on comparable websites he can use this information to determine which design is most effective.

 This is important because if one style is significantly more effective than the other it might be worthwhile to convert all of the banner ads to this style or to make changes which will make the two different styles more similar.

If the business owner is using the same banner ad on a number of different websites, the feedback can help him determine which websites are generating the most traffic for him.

If he determines some websites are not generating a great deal of traffic it makes sense to discontinue the banner ads on these websites as they are not cost effective.

Business owners who utilize affiliate marketing during their Internet marketing campaign may also be interested in tracking the results of their affiliates.

This is necessary because affiliates are often paid according to the results they generate but it is also useful for determining which affiliates are most successful.

This information can be useful if different ads are running on different affiliate websites because it can be an indication of which websites are most effective. Tracking the results of affiliate marketing is similar to tracking the results of banner ads.

You can place code in the ads which appear on the affiliate’s website to provide you with feedback each time a user clicks on the ad.

Another way to evaluate the results of an Internet marketing campaign is to simply closely monitor your own website traffic and sales.

 This is especially important when it is done in consideration with the type of marketing you are currently running.

 For example if you launch a new banner ad campaign with ads appearing on numerous high profile websites concurrently, you may notice an almost immediate increase in website traffic and sales.

This information most likely indicates the banner ads are successful.
However, the problem with using this type of evaluation is it does not pinpoint successes or failures.

If you launch your banner ad on five different websites at once you may notice an immediate increase in traffic and sales but will not be aware which websites are the most effective.

For example, your advertisement may be running on five different websites but only one of these websites may be attracting attention for your business.

Similarly if you are running several different styles of ads, some styles may attract more attention than others but you will not be able to differentiate simply by evaluating your website traffic and sales.

The other four may only be generating minimal interest in your products or services.
 If you wish to use this method for evaluating the feedback on your Internet marketing efforts, it is worthwhile to only make one change at a time so you can more accurately determine what is working and what is not.
 Alternatively, you can ask customers to fill out a survey stating where they saw your advertisement so you can solicit feedback on your marketing efforts.

All The Best.

10 Tips To Design A Search Engine Friendly Website

Nowadays, the competition in the online world has increased greatly, you cannot just achieve your goals by having a beautiful website designed and developed without drawing attention to it, I mean advertising it.

Keeping that in mind, here are some Top Tips for Designing a Good and SEO Super Friendly site.
Today, the need of everyone is a website with SEO friendliness.
 You should follow the tips listed below to put your website on the path to greater success.

1.  Do not make it heavy: The first rule of website designing is “keep it light and flat in design”.

If you fill your website with heavy objects, it will take much longer time in loading, which will reduce its value for search engines and end users as well.

2.      Your Design should Mostly speak For You: Always try to design it in a clean way with limited menu options at top, followed by a big and clean banner matching the background color, and then display your valuable content only, which helps you to take your message to your readers.
And, in the end, footer should be informative as well. If you have many menus, You can arrange them as Menu > Sub-menu> e.t.c.

3.  Navigation: Always add pages and posts that Help the users to easily navigate.

4.  Add navigation in the footer for the most important links: If you think that some of the most important pages and/or posts should have more positive effect on your readers, then add the links to those pages in the footer or Any Glaring Place on your website.

5.  Always Try To Have a logo and favicon: If you want to impact on your readers’ mind well, then use a logo and a favicon, You get to be more professional and Legit.

6.  Always be responsive: It is the time and digital age of mobile technology and more than 50% readers on the Internet  mostly use their mobiles, tabs, and other such devices to explore the World Wide Web on the go.

So, design a website that is compatible to all devices, Mobile and Tab devices especially.

7.  Browser Compatibility: Be sure that your website is compatible with different browsers, Like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Cometbird, e.t.c.
Also, ensure that it supports different versions of various browsers on different devices.

8.  Make use of the H1, H2, and H3 tags: When writing titles for pages or posts, always use H1 tag followed by H2, and H3 tags for paragraph headings, etc.
Using these tags is a very Helpful part of SEO.

9. Always use Meta tags: When getting your website designed, make sure that the designer keeps the importance of Meta tags in mind. This is usually the first thing search engines can see.

10.  URL Structure: An important part of SEO is the URL of a page or a post.
Search engines Also use it to determine what the page is about.

Try to make it cover the most important keywords used in the title of the page or the post. Avoid using page ID in the URL structure. Also, try to keep it short.

These are very important Top Tips for Designing an SEO Friendly Website.
Follow the Ideas Listed Above and see Great Improvements in All Your design Works almost immediately.

 All the best !

Free Web Hosting Services Simply Explained

Free web hosting is the most basic web hosting service that you can obtain and there are many free hosting companies that are available on the internet. Free hosting services are usually financed by advertisements on web sites that are hosted. Free web hosting services are extremely limited.
If you get or use a free hosting service you may have ads that don't belong to you on the top and the bottom of your web-site and depending on what your web-site is all about, it may not fit at all. But for people starting out with websites on the internet it may be the best option, if you don’t have a lot of money to purchase of a web hosting plan, you don't have much traffic or it's just a small site. The type of web domain that you receive when you get a free web hosting is a subdomain with the name that you pick ( or a name in a directory (
For example, if the name of your free host is, Then your web domain would be your
As stated before, if you are a novice, this is the type of account that you would probably want to get but there are some shortcomings to free web hosting if you are looking for more options on the account.
First, many free hosting accounts do not support database management or what you would call in simple terms, putting data structures on the free web host side of their server. Databases are usually used for online data retrieval routines. Many of these free web hosting sites do not support a common package called mySQL which allows you to program queries into your web sites.
They also don’t support multiple e-mail accounts. Most free web hosting service only gives you one email account and it’s usually a web based internet account. The host does not include modules for Flash Programming, PHP and Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHMTL). In summary, free web hosting is for novices who want an easy hosting option without many bells and whistles. Have a great day.

Let's Learn Some Tips To Play Golf Better

Let's Have Some Fun Today, here are some tips to Playing the Golf game Better.

Golf professionals do have something they agree on, and that is: 'If you do not keep your balance during the entire swing, it is not possible to have a good stroke'.

It sounds simple to keep your balance, doesn’t it?  Unfortunately, it is impossible to have good balance when you are so tense that you are “white knuckling” the club, your entire body is stiff, and you are trying to hit the ball too hard.

When you are just starting to play golf, you are frequently warned to not hit the ball too hard.

Energy that is focused will make the ball go much further than a hard swing that does not make contact with the ball at the club’s center.

When you are well balanced, you are more free to hit the ball correctly.

Keep your head still, with your eyes focused on the ball.

The more still your head is, the better you will be able to see the ball.  This helps to create the foundation for you to keep your balance.

 Any movement or distraction that hinders your balance will make it impossible to focus on the ball.

 It is imperative that you keep your head perfectly still and do not move it during your swing.

If you want to keep your balance, you need to relax your body and muscles.  If you don’t relax, then your head is going to move.

If you will watch yourself in front of your mirror, you will soon realize that you need to relax your muscles for your head to stay still while you swing.

 No two golfers have the same build, so you will have to figure out some things for yourself.

It is a necessity to begin by keeping your head in the same position from the beginning to end of your swing.

 If you keep your head still, you will be able to focus on the ball, and you will turn your hands at the right time.

You will be able to cure many of your problems just by keeping your head completely still.

 It will be impossible to incorrectly grip your club without losing your balance and moving your head.

If you don’t follow through correctly, you will not be able to keep your balance. 

If you concentrate on your balance and keeping your head still, then you will not swing too hard or pull your club away.

It will be impossible to put too much strength into your swing.

  You will be relaxed and will have a smooth swing and a successful finish.

Keeping your balance is necessary for you to enjoy a great game of golf.

 It will take time for you to see definite improvement, so be patient.

Concentrate on keeping your balance and your head in one place and in no time you will be enjoying an excellent golf game that your friends will be envious of!

 Have A wonderful Day.

The CPanel And Site Tools To Manage Your Host Files

CPanel is an easy user-interface site that lets you control your host account environment.

The main peculiarity of this operating system is that it so simple to use that your below average computer user can’t mess it up.

It’s got great features embedded into its panel and some of the features are listed below.

Site Tools

There are such tools available for your use, which are Web Protect (.htaccess editor), Custom error pages, Redirects, Ability to edit MIME types, Ability to edit Apache handlers, Install/Uninstall FrontPage Extensions, Search engine tool submitting and File Manager.


The email program provides you with the possibility to add, remove, and change passwords while managing email accounts.

CPanel is also provided by Webmail for the accounts, Auto responders, Forwarders, Mailing Lists, Spam filtering and some more.


Backup allows you to create copies of account files and databases.  The backup menu also allows you to download any automatic backups that were downloaded by your CPanel administrator.


There are different tools to survey your site popularity and efficiency.

 Those are web stats, FTP stats, Analog stats, AWStats, View latest visitors, View bandwidth usage and View error log modules. 


There is a module that controls FTP accounts (add, remove, change password for its access), Anonymous FTP controls; Ability to change FTP login message and Ability to kill FTP sessions.

Advanced Stuff

You have an ability to add or remove subdomains, Subdomain Redirects and its Stats.

Advanced Tools

You are provided with tools of SSH access tools, Manage GPG keys and Cron jobs.

There are also Pre-Installed CGI Scripts.

Those are Interchange Cart, Agora Cart, Bulletin Board, Java Chat, HTML Chat, phpMyChat, CGI Wrapper (for non-suexec installs), Random HTML generator, Advanced Guestbook, Counter Generator, Java Clock Generator, Java Countdown Generator, Secure FormMail clone, CGIEmail, Entropy Search, Entropy Banner.

Network Tools are DNS Lookup and Traceroute. Database Management tools includes Managing MySQL databases and php My Admin access.

For beginners, CPanel has a lot of options that are easy to use.

 CPanel works with most  browsers, such as Chrome, IE, Opera, Firefox and others.

Have a nice day.

The Advantages Of A Managed Dedicated Web Hosting Package

A Managed dedicated web hosting is for an individual or company that wants storage and bandwidth without the restrictions that you get from choosing a free web hosting service.

 If you have a website which you want to have more ringing of bells and blowing of whistles programmed into it, then a managed dedicated hosting is what to go for.
Dedicated services give you more email addresses, some up to 1000 or more addresses.

 It also has storage to support basic database applications on the server side of the web host.

This allows for the development of applications that enables you to store data on the server side also and have queries and other types of programs and programming scripts embedded into your web-site.

But the key to these kinds of servers are the bandwidth that’s available to the user. Monthly bandwidth can range from 500 to 1000GB for the user.

That’s good enough for your basic business or home office because if you’re running a small audio or flash application or database on your site, this type of hosting service would be just fine.

Also, you can assign the other email accounts to co-workers, family members or whoever you want to.

When you are running web applications over 1,000GB, that’s when you should consider steeping up your web hosting package.

There are various types of web plans based on the types of internet applications that you are developing for your business.
For example, if you are developing online streaming video content for your site, then you might want to go past the 1000GB limit on your account and get more bandwidth.

As a Business or company grows, the need for more bandwidth is paramount especially if you have an intranet in your office or you have people accessing the back end of your web-site to load data from various locations.
Dedicated web hosting is what the majority of individuals and small businesses use until they start growing out of their bandwidth.

 They usually upgrade their web hosting packages and buy more storage and bandwidth.

Have a nice day.

The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Using Subdomains

Most businesses don’t like to use sub-domains because they feel like it gives them a disadvantage in many areas, such as having a prefix name before your web-site, being ignored by bots and index spiders in search engines and above all, it just doesn’t look right.
So let’s check out some facts on sub-domains. A sub-domain is substitute or second-level of a domain.
A regular domain looks like:

A sub-domain looks like
 Sub-domains usually do not have www on the front of them.
 All subs start with "http://subdomain/ pattern of identification.
Sub-domains too rank efficiently well.
Search engine spiders and bots are not prejudiced when it comes to the ranking of sub-domains and regular domains.
As long as your site has the right Content, SEO keywords and has been optimized, whether you have a sub-domain or regular domain name doesn’t make much difference at all.

Let’s pretend that your site has a lot of categories in it.
If you were to submit to a search engine, you can submit each sub-domain as its own individual category and still get a good ranking. Each sub-domain would be looked at by search engines as a new site with its own index or home page.
You may want to try creating sub-folders on the sub-domain to get around this so that search engines can read the folder as one set of site information.
People worry about their sub-domain getting banned if the main domain name is banned.
 If the main domain is banned, it will have an effect on the sub-domain.
You see this happen often in adult content sites that have violated certain agreements they signed with a provider that does not want a domain used for adult materials. Again, there is nothing wrong with using a sub-domain. If you want to develop each sub-domain as its own entity, then by all means, do so. If not, get yourself a main domain name and use that as a certified landing page. Have a great day!

10 Effective Ways To Start Taking Control Of Your Life

"Who's the Boss?" 

At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another.

But many of us with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed.

This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.

Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation.

 This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck.

The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns:

1. Take Good Care of Yourself

It's much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.

2. Remind Yourself of the Things You Are Grateful For

Stresses and challenges don't seem quite as bad when you are constantly reminding yourself of the things that are right in life.

 Taking just 60 seconds a day to stop and appreciate the good things will make a huge difference.

3. Look for the Proof Instead of Making Assumptions

A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality.

 If you have a fear that a friend or family member's bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them.

Don't waste time worrying that you did something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.

4. Refrain from Using Absolutes

Have you ever told a partner "You're ALWAYS late!" or complained to a friend "You NEVER call me!"?

Thinking and speaking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.

5. Detach From Negative Thoughts

Your thoughts can't hold any power over you if you don't judge them.

If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, witness it, and don't follow it.

6. Squash the "ANTs"

In his book "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life," Dr. Daniel Amen talks about "ANTs" - Automatic Negative Thoughts.

These are the bad thoughts that are usually reactionary, like "Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me," or "The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!"

When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and squash them!

7. Practice Loving', Touching' & Squeezing' (Your Friends and Family)

You don't have to be an expert to know the benefits of a good hug.

Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up.

One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks.

 She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn't touch!

8. Increase Your Social Activity

By increasing social activity, you decrease loneliness.

 Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!

9. Volunteer for an Organization, or Help another Person

Everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources.

The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.

10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Rumination

If you find yourself ruminating, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different.

Rumination is like hyper-focus on something negative.

It's never productive, because it's not rational or solution-oriented, it's just excessive worry.

Try changing your physical environment - go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music.

When it comes to the corporate world, protocol is pretty much the religion.

To know the things needed to do are the basics of productivity, but interaction and having a steady mind makes up the entire thing to true productivity.

 There are those who seem to work well even under pressure, but they're uncommon ones and we are human and imperfect

. To get these little things like stress under our skins won't solve our problems.

 Sometimes it takes a bit of courage to admit that we're turning to be workaholics than tell ourselves that we're not doing our best. Have A Wonderful Time

5 Helpful Website Design And Development Tips

When it comes to your website, extra attention should be paid to every minute detail to make sure it performs optimally to serve its purpose. 

Here are Five important rules of thumb to observe and make sure your website performs well.

1) Do not use splash pages Or Iframes

Splash pages are usually the first pages you see when you arrive at a website.

 They normally have a very beautiful image with words like "welcome" or "click here to enter"

. In fact, they are just those pretty vases with no real purpose. 

Do not let your visitors have a reason to click on the "back" button! 

Give them the value of your site up front without the splash page.

Iframes contents don't get indexed by the search engines.

  Unless you use Iframes for advertisement exchange or important specific purposes, it's just waste of space and excess load on the webpage

2) Do not use excessive banner advertisements

Even the least internet savvy people have trained themselves to ignore banner advertisements so you will be wasting a valuable website real estate. 

Instead, provide more valuable content and weave relevant affiliate links into your content, let your visitors feel that they want to buy instead of being pushed to buy.

3) Have a simple and clear navigation

You have to provide a simple and very straightforward navigation menu, so that even a young child will know how to use it. 

Stay away from complicated Flash based menus or multiple drop down menus. 

If your visitors don't know how to navigate, they will leave your site.

4) Have a clear indication of where the user is

When visitors are deeply engrossed in browsing your site, you will want to make sure they know which part of the site they are in at that moment. 

That way, they will be able to browse relevant information or navigate to any section of the site easily. 

Don't confuse your visitors because confusion means "abandon ship" and that ship is your website!

5) Avoid using audio on your site

If your visitor is going to stay a long time at your site, reading your content, you will want to make sure they're not annoyed by some audio looping on and off on your website

If you insist on adding audio, make sure they have some control over it -- volume or muting controls would work fine. 

These very simple tips will go a long way to make your visitors have more fun and enjoy their time on your website.

  All The Best.

7 Profitable Ways To Utilize PLR Content

In most cases it’s a good idea if you rewrite the PLR so that you are using unique content. Generally it's a good idea to modify the PLR at least partially about 25-40% .  Now let’s get started.....
1. Use Private Label Rights (PLR) content to post answers on Yahoo Answers or other Forums.
One way to get valuable backlinks to your site (for search engine optimization purposes) is to post answers on Yahoo Answers. 

 Since it can be tedious to create “fresh” answers for every question related to your niche, you can use PLR articles instead. Ideally the full article should be posted on your website.
That way you can simply post your own site as the source of your information.
2. Use PLR articles to post comments on other people’s blogs.
Just as you can use PLR articles to post on Yahoo Answers, you can also use it to post relevant comments on other people’s blogs. 

Then leave your backlink to get human traffic and – if the blog allows search engines to follow links the benefit of a one-way  link for search engine optimization purposes. Be sure the content you use is relevant, however. 

And in general, you don’t want to post entire articles. Instead, post a portion of the article that’s relevant to what’s being discussed. You can then link to the entire article that’s posted on your own blog.
3. Use as content to post answers on forums. 
Here’s another way articles can be used to get links: post the content on other people’s forums.
Now you can do this one of two ways. On forums that encourage people to post articles, you can post all or part of an article – particularly if you add your own comments about the article. 

If you add something controversial, you’re likely to spark a debate (and that’s good thing). Some forum owners frown on this, however. They’d rather people have natural conversations rather than post articles. In particular, new members of a forum are likely to get their hands slapped for posting “drive by” articles. 

If you run into a forum that discourages posting articles, then use your PLR to help you brainstorm topics to post about on forums – but don’t necessarily post the articles themselves (at least not in a transparent way). Note: On the other hand, some forums have specific sections where you’re allowed to post full articles. In those cases, consider posting a few along with a byline. Another way to use PLR content on forums is to use it to answer other people’s posts. Here you may post part of an article, along with a link to the full article that’s posted on your blog. 

Note, however, that most forum owners prefer if you answer the question in its entirety on the forum – so you don’t want to just post a line or two with a link. Instead, post a complete answer with a link for those seeking additional information. 

Tip: you can pay other people to post these articles or article snippets. Post a project on to find freelancers willing to do this work for you.
4. Use PLR articles to create Hubpages.
Plenty of savvy marketers set up Hubpages (AKA Hubs) around specific niche topics. You can do the same using PLR articles to create the hubs. 

You may want to rewrite some of the content around specific keywords. Then add interactive features, affiliate links, and links to drive traffic back to your own site.
5. Use PLR content to create Fiverr Gigs then SELL the Gigs.
On Fiverr you can set up a Gig. However, instead of keeping the PLR to yourself, you sell it immediately to someone else. 

It’s a quick and easy way to make a nice chunk of change of $5. Note: check your PLR license to be sure this is allowable. To be safe, find content  that comes with transferable rights.
6. Use PLR articles as content on social networking sites.
Social networking sites like Apsense, IBO Social are great places to network with like-minded people, build a list of “friends” in your niche, and more. 

However, in order for your social networking page to be truly effective, you should regularly update it. Usually this means posting frequently to your site-sponsored blog. Now if you’re maintaining your own site and other blogs, the thought of maintaining yet another blog might sound like a lot of work. It’s not especially if you use PLR articles to create your blog.
7. Use PLR articles to populate your own forum.
If you’re just starting a forum in your niche, you already know the “chicken and the egg”
problem. Specifically, you need people to start posting in the forum to get it going with some good content. 

And yet most people don’t want to post in a forum that doesn’t already have lots of posts and content. The solution? You need to populate the forum with good content to encourage others to start posting. And to do that, you can use PLR articles to spark discussion. 

Either get your friends to post these articles for you, or ask them to join the discussion on the threads where you’ve posted the articles. Either way, in no time at all you’ll have a thriving forum full of good content!